Our academy community is a place where young people can thrive, learn and achieve their best.
At Olive AP Academy – Cambridge we offer our students flexible, personalised programmes and a wide range of learning opportunities and activities. Learning experiences are designed to help young people to develop the confidence to believe in themselves and make positive choices for their futures.
We believe all of our students have the ability and the right to learn and achieve. We support success by encouraging our young people to ‘dare to be Olive’.
Students are positively encouraged to:
Be ready to learn
- We attend our academy regularly and engage positively in all lessons.
- We ask for help and we help others.
- We take responsibility for our behaviour and meet Olive expectations.
Be respectful
- We listen and are listened to.
- We communicate with respect.
- We respect our community and learning environment.
Be safe
- We maintain people's personal space.
- We lead healthy lifestyles.
- We are in the right place at the right time.
Students are awarded Olive character points for exceptional behaviour during the academy day. Parents/ carers are regularly updated about each student’s behaviour achievements.
We want our academy to be an environment which is safe, supportive and free from intimidation. We actively promote a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion where all forms of bullying are seen as unacceptable.
We believe that strong links and effective communication with parents/carers is vital to ensure every student's good attendance at our academy.
Our aim is to foster a sense of responsibility, a joy of learning and to create a community where learning is felt to be important and crucial to securing wellbeing and increased life chances.
Academy staff work closely with link agencies to ensure maximum attendance and the achievement for all our students.
Please read our full Attendance Policy and contact the academy if you would like any advice or support regarding your child’s attendance.
Attendance is a safeguarding issue – the health, safety and wellbeing of our academy pupils is paramount. Please also refer to our Safeguarding Policy.
A fixed term (or permanent) exclusion is a sanction only used following serious incidents or when all other interventions have been exhausted.
Careful consideration is given when discussing a potential fixed term exclusion. Maintaining a positive climate for learning underpins these discussions.
The restorative approach runs alongside any fixed term exclusions and a student's family will be included in this process.
The decision to exclude rests with the Head of School in consultation with Senior Leadership Team.
You can find out more about when an exclusion may be considered for a pupil in our Behaviour Policy. Our Exclusions Policy is available here.
The academy follows a standard process around reintegration. The academy’s lead for behaviour will contact the parent/carer immediately following an exclusion to invite them to discuss the exclusion.
The behaviour lead will also arrange for a return from exclusion meeting to be held and invite both the parent/carer and their child to attend.
If you have concerns regarding an exclusion from Olive AP Academy – Cambridge, you can raise your concerns with members of the Academy Advisory Board (Exclusions appeal panel). Please also refer to our Complaints Policy.
If you wish to gain further advice, you can also contact Anna Wahlandt,
County Alternative Education Provision Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council
e: Anna.Wahlandt@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
t: 01354 750 369
For further advice and information, please have a look at our:

Support for families
Support for you and your family whenever you need it.

Health and wellbeing
Feeling good about yourself can affect the way you think and feel. It can give you the confidence to help you achieve what you want in life.

Staying safe
We want everyone in our academy community to feel safe, respected and able to talk about any concerns they may have.