We want everyone in our academy community to feel safe, respected and able to talk about any concerns they may have.
At Olive Academies we recognise that safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.
We want all children and adults to feel confident about reporting any safeguarding concern - and to know that they will be listened to.
Would you like to talk to someone at the academy about a concern you have?
Please get in touch with:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mark Kirby
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Fran Hobbs
E: oa-cam.safeguarding@oliveacademies.org.uk
T: 01223 375514 or 07761 764528.
We recognise how important it is that everyone in our academy community keeps learning and keep listening carefully to what children and young people are experiencing in their daily lives.
Concerned about sexual harassment or abuse?
Olive Academies is committed to facilitating an environment where everyone feels confident about reporting any incidents of child-on-child abuse or sexual harassment and knowing that they will be heard and supported.
We follow the guidance in the Department for Education’s Keeping Children Safe in education guidance at all times - as outlined in our safeguarding policy.
The NSPCC has a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced abuse at school, or for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance, including for non-recent abuse. t: 0800 136 663.
If you’re worried about your boyfriend or partner’s behaviour, learning more about the warning signs of domestic violence could help you – or someone close to you – stay safe. Refuge offers advice about domestic abuse and a 24-hour helpline: 0808 2000 247.
The Hide Out also offers advice for children and young people about domestic abuse.
If you are worried about a young person who might be in an abusive relationship, you can find out more information about teenage abusive relationships and how to get help. You can also call Childline to talk about any concerns you might have. They have trained counsellors there to support you. t: 0800 1111
Staying safe online
Olive Academies believe that everyone in the academy community has the right to learn and to teach in a supportive and caring environment without fear of being bullied. We will help all members of the school community to benefit from computing and online technologies, whilst understanding its risks, and equip children with the knowledge and skills to be able to use it safely and responsibly.
All staff and students are asked to read and sign an Acceptable Use Agreement when they join the academy. You can find more details in our safeguarding, online safety and anti-bullying policies.
If you would like advice about how to stay safe online visit thinkyouknow.co.uk They also have information about online blackmailing and how to access help if you need it.
Common Sense Media has useful reviews and advice by parents and children of all the latest games, apps and films.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) offers advice on online safety. If you have been a victim of sexual online abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know, you can let CEOP know safely and securely on their website.
Worried about bullying?
Please encourage your child to speak to any member of our staff if they have any worries about bullying.
All Olive AP Academy – Cambridge staff are committed to doing everything they can to prevent all kinds of bullying.
We want our academy to be an environment which is safe, supportive and free from intimidation. We actively promote a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion where all forms of bullying are seen as unacceptable. You can find more details in our our Anti-Bullying Policy.
Family Lives offers lots of advice for young people and parents about bullying. You can also call their helpline t: 0808 800 2222.
Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you. t: 0800 1111
Mental health support
We have lots of information about staying healthy and well and how to access help if you need it in the Health & Wellbeing section of our website.
Mind is a mental health charity which provides support to everyone who has experienced a mental health problem. If you are concerned about your own mental health or about someone you know, you can contact Mind for advice t: 0300 1233393 or text 86463.
YoungMinds offers information and advice about children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health. They have lots of advice for young people about coping with mental health issues. They also have a helpline for parents and carers t: 0808 8025544.
Keep Your Head brings together information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
The Kooth team provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling for young people.
Samaritans are available, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. They give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. And they encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need. You can call free on 116 123.
How to get help if you're concerned about gangs and county lines
If you’re worried that a child or young person might be or is at risk of being exploited by a county lines gang, you must share your concerns. Please speak to our academy's designated safeguarding lead (Mark Kirby) or a member of our academy staff.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, contact the police on 999.
Cambridge City Council has created a useful information flyer for parents/carers. Visit the Cambs Against County Lines section of their website for local support.
The NSPCC have lots of information and expert advice about how to support a young person who may be at risk of gang involvement or involved in county lines. t: 0808 800 5000 e: help@nspcc.org.uk
You can also contact Crimestoppers (anonymously) t: 0800 555 111
General government guidance for parents and carers
A useful government guide for parents and carers has lots of advice about keeping children and young people safe and how to get support if you need it.
The guide includes information about:
- Protecting children from domestic abuse
- Teenage relationship abuse
- Child sexual abuse and exploitation
- Sexual assault referral centres
- Crime, Criminal Exploitation and County Lines, violence and gangs
- Protecting children from radicalisation
- Prevent
- Online child safety
- Mental health
We are committed to creating an open, honest and respectful academy culture for everyone.
Our academy approach is outlined in our Safeguarding Policy. This policy follows the government’s Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance.
You can find further information and advice about child protection from Cambridgeshire Children's Services t: 0345 045 5203
Children and young people can contact Childline for help or advice about any issue or worry they may have t: 0800 1111
The NSPCC offers support and advice to children, professionals and families t: 0808 800 5000
Health and wellbeing
Feeling good about yourself can affect the way you think and feel. It can give you the confidence to help you achieve what you want in life.
Behaviour and attendance guidance
Our academy community is a place where young people can thrive, learn and achieve their best.
Support for families
Support for you and your family whenever you need it.