Find out what's been happening at our academy and find copies of the latest letters and information sent home.
Joint letter from the Secretaries of State for Education and for Health and Social Care
News • October 13, 2021

Headteacher letter to parents and carers 16 July 2021
A copy of a letter for parents and carers with news about the academy, support available during the summer break and plans for the new academic year in September.
Letter • July 16, 2021

A message from Marcus Rashford MBE & Henry Dimbleby MBE
News • July 02, 2021

Outdoor learning in the sun (and on the river) for our students
News • June 25, 2021

Careers experts help year 11s brush up on 1-1 interview skills
Form The Future volunteers support OA-Cam year 11s practise their interview techniques.
News • May 21, 2021

Transfer of TBAP Cambridge to Olive Academies
A copy of the letter sent to all our parents and carers with information about the transfer of TBAP Cambridge to Olive Academies from 1 May 2021
Letter • April 27, 2021