Celebrating safeguarding success

We are incredibly proud to be awarded the Gold quality mark from Anchored Schools in our recent safeguarding audit. This is an excellent outcome that recognises the robust safeguarding practices we have in place. Outside of Olive Academies Trust, only two schools in the country have received Gold so far this year, demonstrating just how difficult it is to achieve.

Corrie Fielding, Education Consultant at Anchored Schools, said:

Safeguarding is well-led and managed across Olive AP Academy – Cambridge and supported by sound protocols and procedures. Staff work smartly together to ensure that they consider strategic safeguarding decisions as well as active child protection work, ensuring the ethos of the academy is that safeguarding is paramount.

We are particularly pleased to see the strength of our multi-agency work highlighted in the report: ‘staff are very knowledgeable about pupil needs and the local offer of support. They make timely referrals to external agencies to try to ensure the best outcomes for pupils. They are persistent and diligent in following up referrals and working with outside agencies.’

The auditing process is incredibly intensive. Using their own software, recognised by Ofsted to be exemplary, Anchored Schools reviewed our processes, systems, policies and procedures to evidence all aspects of safeguarding, with a score of at least 90% required to receive the quality assurance award. This threshold is incredibly high, ensuring that only settings with the very best safeguarding practices receive the quality mark.

Michelle Simmonite, Olive Academies Trust Safeguarding Lead, said:

Anchored Schools provide a high-quality personalised service, taking the time to build solid relationships with staff across all of our academies. Their tailored approach ensures they understand the context in order to make achievable recommendations. We are delighted to have been awarded the Anchored Schools Gold award.

Anchored Schools is a nationally-recognised organisation that works with hundreds of schools and academies across the country at both primary and secondary level and across the spectrum of mainstream, alternative provision and SEND settings. They bring a wealth of expertise and are highly regarded for their thorough approach. It is great to see our hard work acknowledged by such an esteemed external specialist. Well done to all staff at Olive AP Academy – Cambridge on this wonderful achievement and for ensuring we have effective safeguarding practices in place to keep our academy community safe.

Safeguarding award OA Cam

22 March 2023