Summary Annual Report published

We're thrilled to share the trust's latest Summary Annual Report, which details just some of the successes and highlights across the five academies, as well as key financial information and governance arrangements.

2022/23 was a positive year for Olive AP Academy -Cambridge, where, once again, our Year 11 academic outcomes were above the national average for the alternative provision sector.

We continued to develop our outdoor education curriculum, following its successful introduction in 2021-22. We are now able to offer pupils access to even more activities that provide practical opportunities for problem-solving and risk-taking to develop their confidence and resilience.

We also enhanced the range of accreditations we offer through the introduction of a number of BTEC courses in subjects that support pupils’ career aspirations, so they can gain relevant skills to equip them for their next steps in education or employment.

Download the 2022/23 summary annual report using the link below, to read more about our academy successes and trust-wide performance.

Summary Annual Report 2022/23 Download