Our curriculum

Our results

We encourage all our students to take pride in their achievements and recognise their personal learning journey.

Outcomes for students 2023-24

We are pleased to share the latest results of Olive AP Academy Cambridge. These results reflect the dedication and resilience of our students, staff, and community during a challenging period. We are proud of the progress and achievements made, and we remain committed to providing our pupils with creative, nurturing, inspiring learning opportunities which re-engage them in learning and transform their lives.

Number of Year 11 pupils on roll: 21

Average number of GCSE Qualifications Achieved: 3.7

Average number of Non-GCSE Qualifications Achieved: 6.6

Average number of Total Qualifications Achieved: 10.3

English and Maths GCSE: 76%

We are delighted with our outcomes and look forward to building on this strong foundation for future success.

Outcomes for students 2022-23

We are extremely proud of the hard work all our students put in to completing a variety of exams including GCSEs, BTEC and Functional Skills. 78% achieved English and Maths GCSE and the average number of qualifications per student was 7, with 94% accreditation across the year. This is a wonderful result given the difficult journey that many of our students have had in mainstream education.

As of September 2023, 72% of these students continued in education or employment after KS4, be that sixth form college, an apprenticeship or part-time work alongside a college course. Courses include construction, hair and beauty, sport and plumbing. With our local authority partner, we are working hard to support all of them to settle into their next phase of learning and wish them every success for the future.

Outcomes for students 2021-2022

Summer 2022 was the first time many of our students had taken formal exams due to the COVID pandemic. We were extremely proud of how all our students rose to this challenge and completed a variety of exams including GCSEs, BTEC and Functional Skills. 71% achieved English and Maths GCSE and the average number of qualifications per student was 6, with 100% accreditation across the year. Given the difficult journey that many of our students have had in formal education we are delighted with their achievements.

As of September 2022, 67% of these students continued in education or employment after KS4, be that sixth form college, an apprenticeship or part-time work alongside a college course. With our local authority partner, we are working hard to support all of them to settle into their next phase of learning. We will be following their progress and wishing them the best all the way!

Statement for 2020/2021

In our first year as an Olive academy and during another exceptional year, we have been so proud of our year 11 students in their achievements at GCSE, functional skills and vocational subjects - they are now moving onto colleges, further education or an apprenticeship - we wish them luck with the next stage of their learning journey!